Monday, December 30, 2013

My dear friends and wonderful family:
I hope that all of you enjoyed very much your Christmas. It was so good to get to see and talk to the family over Skype on Christmas day and share a wonderful few minutes together. Thank you for making it such a great time! I will remember it always as my favorite call home of my mission.
We had a magnificent weekend. Brandon was baptized on Saturday night, and his parents, sister, and A LOT of other family members came to support him. Three of his friends from high school were also in attendance. Everything went perfectly.
I could not get them to open on the computer I am using, but I have pictures and will be sending them at some point!
On Sunday Brandon was confirmed. After the meeting, Hermana Law and I met with Hermano Antonio Romero, Brandon, Juan Carlos and his friend Andres, the branch president and the president of the quorum of Elders in the branch. Hermano Romero received the Aaronic priesthood and was ordained to the office of Priest. I really loved and appreciate that Presidente Perez took the time to invite several of the people we are teaching who can soon receive the priesthood to see that ordinance take place. He took time as well to explain right beforehand about the significance of the priesthood and the blessings that it brings. What a great blessing it is that we have here on earth the power and authority to act in God's name.
I am so grateful for the priesthood holders who have blessed my life. That I could be baptized and confirmed by my father, be given blessings of healing and comfort in so many instances (by my dad, my brother, other family members, home teachers, friends, fellow missionaries), be set apart to serve in callings in the Church by my wonderful leaders, and participate in and receive other ordinances in the temple.
I hope that you all have a wonderful week as we welcome in the new year and determine to do better and give the Lord our best in this coming year.
Much love,
Hermana Brighton

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