Monday, May 6, 2013

Dear Family and Friends,

I love you all!!!

I hope that each one of you is doing great! Thank you for your prayers on my behalf. I've certainly felt them this week.

We saw incredible blessings this weekend and are looking forward to a very busy and fulfilling week. 

Story: Friday night we prayed that 1: we would be able to know what we could do to help Josefa come to church on Sunday (she had told us that she didn't think she was going to be able to come) 2: we would be able to find someone else during the day Saturday who would be able to come to church on Sunday. Saturday after our studies, we visited Josefa. We taught her a little bit about faith because she is coming up to a hard week with her daughter Sandra possibly going through back surgery. Then she asked us if we could go with her to get some groceries to make tamales to sell. Well, we thought about it a little and both felt that it would be good for us to help her. It took a lot longer than expected! We got back from walking to the store and back with her so tired...but she was able to make her tamales in time and make arrangements with her children so that she could come to church on Sunday! It was a miracle. Then...after we got back with Josefa, we decided to still go try and see another family before dinner. Well, we didn't see them because we started talking to a girl who was outside their apartment. She was doing algebra, struggling a little bit, and we offered some help. I helped her graph a system of inequalities (sometimes I miss algebra-it was fun!) and then we started talking about what we do as missionaries and about the Gospel. It was amazing to see how she just wanted to learn and know how she could believe in Christ and have His power in her life. She came to church on Sunday too! She is preparing to be baptized next Sunday. She wants the gospel in her life, and she wants to have it now. 

Heavenly Father loves us. His Son, Jesus Christ, lives and makes it possible for us all to be of service to God now and to prepare for eternal life with them and with our families.

Please continue to pray for me and for these dear sisters and the others we are teaching and preparing to make sacred covenants with God.

Much love,
Hermana Brighton

1 comment:

  1. That is so exciting that you can help her, Sister! I kow how much fun that was for you!
    It is great to read your blog. I should read it more! I hope your Mama will forward any comments I make to you.
    What wonderful miracles come about when we love the Lord and feel His love in return, for you sisters as well as the people your service is blessing!
    love and hugs!
    Mom E.
