Monday, October 7, 2013

Dear wonderful family and friends,

I hope each one of you is having a fantastic day!

On my mission I am learning that even if we have heard something over and over, even if we have changed the way we do it a dozen times, there is always something more we can learn and a better way things can be done.

After receiving some training in a meeting earlier last week, this last Friday we planned for this coming week in a way that was different than I have ever done.
We didn't just plan for what we are going to teach people this week. We didn't just plan for the appointments that we have. We planned every hour of the whole week, and we planned the details of how we will be in contact with each person we are teaching each day as well. We even planned backup plans. I am sure that many of the plans we made will need to be fact, that process has already started as we have set appointments with new people we've contacted in the last few days. But because we have made all of those plans, we have a concrete idea of how we can achieve our goals for this week. And because we were thinking more in advance than we often do, we were able to plan more effective ways to find people to teach and to use the precious time that we have.

Like I think I mentioned last week, things just keep getting better. This week we are having a zone conference, so something is sure to get shaken up and changed for the better once again.

The process of becoming an effective missionary is teaching me about the process of purification, sanctification, and perfection. It involves constant learning, deep humility, diligent effort, lots of repetition, some failure, and immense faith.  It is the process Heavenly Father uses to help us achieve what he has promised us...all that He has can be ours as we become all that He is.

Only through the power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ is this process made possible. I know that power is real.

I love you all so much. And He loves you infinitely more.

Take care.

With love,
Hermana Brighton

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