Monday, July 15, 2013

Dear Friends and Family,

What a week! I hope that you all have been doing fantastic. This week has seemed really long and really short all at once. It's because so much happened. Wednesday, Hermana E left for Peru. We got up at about 2 am for her to be all ready to leave with a senior missionary couple who came and picked her up at about 3 am. Then Hermana B and I went back to bed for 3 hours. And woke up the next day feeling a little weird with only the two of us. We've adjusted now and it kind of seems like a long time ago that Hermana E was with us. Weird how that happens. Thursday we had a zone conference in about forty missionaries with all the ones from Napa and Vallejo together. Napa is only about a half hour away, so it wasn't too much of a trip. Thursday night, we ate at a taco truck that belongs to one of the members. I had a really good burrito. It was my first time eating at a taco truck/stand on my mission, if you can believe that. For some reason, it seems to me that it would have been more common. Thursday there was also an activity for all the sisters from one of the English wards and from the Spanish branch. We went by because one of the members had told us she was bringing a friend she wanted us to meet...we waited a while, she didn't show up, then just as we were heading out, she showed up. Funny how things work out sometimes. Anyway, we did at least get to meet her, so that was one of many miracles for the week. Another great miracle was that another one of the young women in the branch has decided she wants to serve a mission. She came up to us yesterday and asked if she can go to lessons with us. It's exciting to see how the youth are getting excited to prepare for missions and be involved in missionary work now. I can definitely see why this area needed Hermanas. For lots of reasons, actually. For example, another miracle this week. Our plans had fallen through and we had a list of several people we could go try and see. I felt we should go by a particular woman, and when she got there she was so surprised to see SISTER missionaries and so happy. She broke down in tears and was talking about how sometimes you just need other girls to talk to about things...she lives with all men and according to the other missionaries, she hadn't been super receptive to the Elders who have come by in the past. Wow. Another miracle: we went by to see someone who I used to teach in Napa, a less active member who moved here to Vallejo at the end of the time I was in Napa. Anyway, her daughter in law who I had also met before was home and let us in and before we knew it we were cleaning her kitchen for her because she has a brand new baby and it's super hard and then we were teaching her about the Book of Mormon and she was talking about figuring out how to get to church.

It's awesome to be a part of the work of our Heavenly Father!

Hope you are having a great week and seeing your miracles too!

Hermana Brighton

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