Monday, September 2, 2013

Dear wonderful family and friends,
Each of you is wonderful. Whether you are my little sister, my parent, or my  friend, you are also my spiritual sibling and a child of our Heavenly Father. He has a plan for you. He loves you. I know it. If you're not sure, or if you ever feel like you've forgotten, ask Him!
I'm so grateful for the love that our Heavenly Father has for each one of us. I've been able to feel that love so much this week, especially through the love that I've been able to feel for those around me. My companions, people we taught, random people we talked to (even ones who didn't want to talk to us).
I think I forgot to tell you all last week that our mission is the first mission to receive the iPads. There have been a few tests of the devices in different zones and districts of missionaries, but we're the first entire mission to have them. Isn't that amazing? It really makes me think about how it's not an accident that I am here in this mission. Well, I already knew that and knew it from day one, but I also know that there is a reason that I'm specifically in a mission where I can use the Internet to preach the gospel to all the world. I am really excited to get it figured out. Here's the good part that I'm realizing more and more: I can help anyone. Anyone who has a Facebook account and needs to learn about or be reminded about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and how to live it so that they can receive all the blessings of Christ's atoning sacrifice. Who do you know that falls into that category? Let me know, and my companions and I will try and get in contact with them and start inviting and helping them to come to Christ. You can email me or (better) send me a message on Facebook. My facebook name is Hermana Alicia Brighton. (:
This next weekend we are going to be receiving some more training on how to use the iPads and the Internet more effectively. It's a really exciting time. I know this is Heavenly Father's work and it is hastening because He loves each one of His children with a love that is infinite and perfect. And I love you too, in my finite and imperfect way, but with my whole heart. (: Have a wonderful week!

Hermana Brighton

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